
Come andare da Lisbona a Peniche

How to go from Lisbon to Peniche

Friends of Almagreira House are well reunited with the news from the blog of our guesthouse boutique in Baleal. After explaining where Peniche is located, today we will try to offer you all the information you need to understand how … Read More

Prefisso Telefonico Portoghese

Portuguese Dialling Code

Friends of Almagreira House well reunited with the news of our blog dedicated to holidays in Portugal. Today we are going to find out what the Portuguese dialling code is, which is the combination of numbers to dial before any … Read More

campeggi a peniche e dintorni 2020

Campsites in Peniche and surroundings

Friends of Almagreira House well reunited with the news of our guesthouse boutique in Baleal. As always we will tell you about our dear Peniche, the pearl of surfers in Europe that we described in the previous post where we … Read More

Noleggio Auto a Peniche

Rental Cars in Peniche

Are you ready for your holidays in Portugal and dying to discover Peniche and its surroundings in complete autonomy? Don’t you still have your own way to discover the surrounding nature and the beaches that you have been hearing about … Read More

Dove si trova Peniche

Where is Peniche

Friends of Almagreira House well reunited with the news of our guesthouse boutique in Baleal. Today we will answer one of the big questions about the surfers’ paradise in Europe: where is Peniche ? In fact, those of us who … Read More

Scuole di surf a Peniche

Surf Schools in Peniche

Friends of Almagreira House, well found with a new article in our blog dedicated to holidays in Portugal. Today we will offer you the list of surf schools in Peniche, in order to recommend you the best specialized centers in … Read More

Farmacie a Peniche

Pharmacies in Peniche

Friends of Almagreira House well found with useful news about your holiday in Portugal. We continue the series of articles dedicated to discovering Peniche, explaining today which are the pharmacies in Peniche, the business premises to turn to in case … Read More

Supermercati a Peniche

Supermarkets in Peniche

Friends of Almagreira House, this post is dedicated to finding out where the supermarkets in Peniche are. In fact, once you have booked your accommodation in Baleal, you may need to buy some typical Portuguese food or prepare a quick … Read More

Vita Notturna a Peniche

Nightlife in Peniche and surroundings : Bars, Pubs, Nightclubs, Discos

Friends of Almagreira House, well found with a new article in our blog dedicated to holidays in Portugal. Today we will explain something about the nightlife in Peniche, offering you a wide selection of clubs in the city where you … Read More

Dove Mangiare a Peniche

Where to eat in Peniche

Friends of Almagreira House, today we offer you a careful selection of the best restaurants to eat in Peniche. In fact, the Portuguese cuisine is of great quality and the fish dishes, especially in sea places like Peniche are delicious … Read More